Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Maildrill Services (concepts and definitions of the Services)

The “agreement” in this document includes our Privacy Notice and GDPR Compliance, which set out the terms and conditions under which you are permitted to use the service. These conditions also explain how your account and the data we collect and process about you, your end users, contacts and customers will be treated. If you do not agree to these terms, you must stop using the service immediately.

By completing registration, using the Website or purchasing the Maildrill Services, you represent that you have read and fully agree to the current version of the Terms and Conditions of Use, which will result in a legal agreement between Mildrill and any user of the www.maildrill.app Platform operating under the Maildrill trade name (collectively referred to as “Maildrill”, “we”, “us” or “our”). Maildrill is a Platform developed by Laravel42 and StrategyDesign.

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to set forth the terms and conditions applicable to your use of the Maildrill Services.

In this document we provide you with information about the basic concepts, including some definitions that will help you understand these provisions.

What is Maildrill?

Maildrill (hereinafter the “Platform”) offers the ability to manage contacts, create, send and manage email marketing campaigns to an audience. This includes emails, advertisements and mailings for the purpose of promoting a brand, selling products or services, directing users to landing pages, among other tasks. These emails are referred to as “campaigns”.

The Platform is developed and operated by Laravel42 and StrategyDesign with websites; https://laravel42.com and https://strategydesign.it, (hereinafter, we refer to these collectively as the “Maildrill site”, and together with the official domain web application www.maildrill.app and other features we make available through our products and services, the “Service”).

A “contact” is anyone who is on a Maildrill customer’s distribution list, those to whom the customer has provided information to us or anyone who has interacted with the customer through our Platform. For example, if you are a customer, a subscriber to your email marketing campaigns or a purchaser of your website or landing page would be considered a contact.

It is important to keep in mind that Maildrill customers will have access to different features of the service depending on the usage or package they purchased, however the Privacy Notice, GDPR Compliance, use of Cookies and these Terms and Conditions are applicable for all Maildrill Accounts.

Below, we share with you the basics of using Maildrill:

Your Account

1. Usage requirements – Maildrill

In order to use our Platform, you must comply with the following:

  1. Be over 18 years of age and have legal capacity to sign contracts;
  2. Complete the account registration process;
  3. Accept the Terms and Conditions and the other documents linked in these conditions that form part of the agreement;
  4. Provide accurate, complete and up-to-date contact and billing information;

By using the Platform, you represent and warrant that you comply with all of the above requirements, and that you will not use such service in a manner that violates any law or regulation. Please note that, by representing and warranting the foregoing, you are making a legally binding promise.

Maildrill may refuse to provide service, close any member’s accounts and change usage requirements at any time.

2. Deadline

When you create an account and agree to the Terms and Conditions, the agreement between you and Maildrill is entered into and the term of the agreement (“Term”) begins. The Term will continue for as long as you have a Maildrill account or until either you or we terminate the Agreement under these Terms, whichever occurs first. If you register for an account on behalf of a company or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to agree to these Terms and to enter into the Agreement on their behalf.

3. Closing your account

You or Maildrill may terminate the agreement at any time for any reason. You may do so by canceling your Maildrill account or we may do so by notifying you that we are terminating the agreement. We may suspend service at any time, with or without cause. We will not refund you in any situation. If your account is inactive for 24 months or more, we may terminate your account and you will not be entitled to a refund of any unused prepaid amount. Once your account is cancelled, you acknowledge and agree that we may permanently delete your account, along with all data associated with it, including your campaigns. Usernames are unique and can only be used once. If your account has been cancelled, the username will no longer be available for use with any future accounts and cannot be recovered.

4. Changes

We may modify any of the terms and conditions by posting the revised version on our Maildrill site at the URL:

https://maildrill.app/terms-and-conditions/. Unless you cancel your account, the new terms will be effective immediately upon posting on the effective date stated in the new terms, as applicable, and will apply to any continued or new use of the service. We may change or discontinue the service, its add-ons or any of its features at any time.

5. Password

It is your responsibility to ensure that your username and password information is kept confidential. You are responsible for all accounts to which you have access and for all activities that occur under these accounts (except for those activities for which Maildrill is directly responsible and which are performed in accordance with your instructions, even if you have not authorized such activity). You must report any unauthorized access to or use of your accounts to us immediately. We are not responsible for any loss due to stolen or hacked passwords. We do not have access to your current password, so we will provide you with password reset instructions for security purposes.

You have the right to update any contact information in your account for billing purposes. You further warrant and represent that all information you provide to us when creating an account, as well as when accessing and using the services, is and will remain accurate and complete. We may communicate with you or any user, authorized user or login added to your primary account based on the information provided in your account.